Family Support Early Help (FSEH)
At Webheath Academy Primary School we recognise the challenges that families face in bringing up children. There may be times when you need extra help and support. If this is the case please come and talk to us. There are many ways in which we can help .
Please see below our FSEH offer in Webheath for 2023 plus resources available to parents in Worcestershire through our County Council.
If you need a paper copy or further advice please contact the school office on 01527 544820 or via email on
Early Help Offer Webheath 2023
Family Support Early Help Resources
- Level One - Safeguarding for all
- Level Two - Internal School Support & Referrals
- Level Three - External School Support
We offer to local events and charities. We offer courses within school and as a Trust about Online Safety, supporting your children in school, community events and aim to be a hub of support and information. Our nhs offer some excellent signposting and parenting courses Parenting workshops, courses and groups | Starting Well (
Our PSHE/RSE curriculum follows the PSHE Association framework and guidance and is taught by the class teacher weekly. Our programme is set but has the flexibility to adapt to the needs of the children, class or local changes.
This growing area of concern is an area we try to focus upon. We have a full curriculum offer on safety for the children as well as support for parents.
Our families with children on the SEND register, also have extra advice and guidance that can be offered through our specialist Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDco), Mrs Jayne Woodward. She can be contacted through the school office, and she has drop ins, coffee mornings and can offer signposting and support to a range of services. As you can imagine, she is in demand but we always try to support when possible.
We are very fortunate to be able to boast our very own family support worker, . She is independent but spends a day a fortnight at Webheath Acdemy Primary School. Support can be referred through school through one of our designated safeguarding leads.
We are lucky enough to employ a specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Alison Southall, who has training in emotional literacy to support our children. Support is offered through our internal referral system.
We can signpost via our Early Help offer to local charities, agencies and support partners locally.
Dr Daniel Rouse is our Educational Psychologist who we hold a Service Level Agreement with. Internal referrals to Daniel are managed by Mrs Jayne Woodward, our SENDco.
We offer courses within school and as a Trust about Online Safety, supporting your children in school, community events and aim to be a hub of support and information. Our nhs offer some excellent signposting and parenting courses Parenting workshops, courses and groups | Starting Well (
We have a working relationship with Mentor Link and can refer individuals through to this service. Please see their website for more information. Mentor Link | Supporting vulnerable children by providing them with a volunteer mentor
- Early Help family support
- Reach4Wellbeing
- Worried about a child? Family Front Door
- Get Safe
- Operation Encompass
- Local support agencies available
- Starting Well/NHS