Miss Child : Year 4 Teacher - 4LC

Miss Child

Year 4 Teacher - 4LC

I am lucky enough to be 9 years into my teaching career and my 6th year teaching Year 4. One of my favourite subjects to teach is History since I am fascinated by how people lived in the past. I also enjoy building children's confidence in Maths as I found it tricky at school myself! In my spare time, I am a keen cook and enjoy long walks with my cheeky, little dog Timmy.

Miss Harris : Year 4 Teacher - 4KH

Miss Harris

Year 4 Teacher - 4KH

I am a year 4 teacher at Webheath. My favourite subjects are PE, Science and Maths. I enjoy making lessons as active and practical as possible. My favourite part about teaching is helping to build children’s confidence and academic ability through a positive mental attitude. Outside of school, you will usually find me spending time with family or doing something physically active such as running.

Ms Bickford : Teaching Assistant Year 3

Ms Bickford

Teaching Assistant Year 3

Mrs Mackin : Teaching Assistant - Year 4

Mrs Mackin

Teaching Assistant - Year 4

I have worked as a Teaching Assistant since 2015, I love this role especially helping to teach my favourite subject art.
Outside of school I love spending time with my family, going to the gym, horse riding and walking my husky Ralph.

PE Days

Autumn Term:

  • Monday- Swimming (All Year 4 children attend until October half term. Some children continue these sessions until the end of the term)
  • Tuesday- Outdoor PE
  • Friday- Indoor PE (Commencing the start of Autumn 2)

Spring and Summer Term:

  • Tuesday- Outdoor PE
  • Friday- Indoor PE


The expectation in Year 4 is that children will read (at least) 3 times a week and complete times table related challenges via Times Table Rockstars.

At the end of Year 4, children will complete a national multiplication assessment. To support this, every child in KS2 has a Times Table Rockstar login and is expected to practice for (at least) 10 minutes each week. To access a useful Year 4 reading list, click here.


In KS2 we use the Accelerated Reader Computer Program to develop, manage and monitor children’s reading skills. The children pick a book within their own ZPD range and read it at their own pace. We allocate at least 15 minutes a day to reading their book. When finished, they will take a short quiz online in school – this helps to home in on their reading skills and give an indication that they understood what has been read. AR gives both children and teachers feedback on the children’s understanding and reading habits which the teacher then uses to help the children set targets and ongoing reading practice to ensure personal growth.

Daily ‘Book Club’ is also timetabled. This provides opportunities for the children to work in small groups with an adult to develop reading skills and build a love of reading, and it gives an opportunity to read books of choice for pleasure.

We use high quality text to deliver our English Curriculum and focused reading lessons are taught within a sequence of learning.

Times tables

Year 4 have an assessment for their multiplication knowledge and recall in the summer term. For this, they need to have instant recall for all multiplication and related division facts for all tables up to and including 12 x 12.

Book bags only to be bought into school. We do not have room to store large school bags. Equipment children will require:

  • A clear pencil case
  • School style pencils
  • Blue handwriting pens (not biro)
  • 30cm ruler
  • Selection of colouring pencils
  • Glue stick
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Optional: small selection of highlighters