Thank you for considering Webheath Academy Primary School for your child.

We understand that this may be the first time you have to consider schooling for your child, and we are here to help.

As a primary school, you could be working with our school for seven years, so it is an important step.  We would recommend parents and children visit our school to get a feel for the school and pre-school, speak with staff, see our excellent facilities and all that we have to offer your child.

Apply for Nursery

Admissions for our Nursery is for three-year-olds.  Please contact the school office or Mrs Karen Smart, Nursery Manager, for current vacancies and support in applying for a place.

Apply for a Reception place

You are required to submit and online Local Authority admissions application form when starting school for the first time.  Visit to make your application or telephone School admissions on 01905 822700 if you need assistance.

The application deadline is by the 15th January each year.

Parents/carers will be notified by the LA on behalf of the Governing Body by letter, of the outcome of their application by or on nominated date.

In year transfers (including into Year 5)

If transferring schools, In-year applications can be made through Worcestershire Children First.
Within Redditch there is the three tier system, middle schools are available for later primary years.  Therefore, we do have vacancies into our Year 5 every year.  As with applying for a Reception place, children at First schools in the area can choose Webheath Primary as an option via the Local Authority admissions application form.
If transferring schools, In-year applications can be made through Worcestershire Children First.

Admissions information

Places within our school are limited to 60 as a two-form entry.  Each year group has two classes of 30.  We often receive many more applications than available places and ensure we act in a fair and equitable way; our admissions criteria are applied to all applications.  The Governors and Trustees consult on the admissions criteria when any changes are made and at least every seven years.  Our last consultation process was in Autumn 2022.

Our Policy has latest admissions criteria.

Waiting lists

The school maintains a waiting list for places.  If a place arises, these will be offered to those children on the waiting list.  The order on the waiting list is maintained according to our admissions criteria.  These waiting lists are deleted at the end of every half term so parents wishing for their child to remain on the waiting list, must let us know.  We know life gets very busy, so we do try to contact those on the waiting list to check their current position.


In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, parents may appeal against a decision by the Governors to refuse an application for a place. All appeals must be made in writing to the Clerk of the Governors for Webheath Academy Primary School and to the Headteacher of the school.